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— любая реклама, а также ссылки и упоминание ресурсов, продающих диссертации. Сюда же входят ресурсы с так называемой «доставкой диссертаций»
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useful references: Ecology,
Conservation, Environment, Challenges, Solutions,  (= Охрана природы. Окружающая среда. Проблемы. Решения).

The concise results and shortlist of some well-cited publications on ecology and environment — in English, the full texts or abstracts available online free (updated 2010, Mar 20) The publications by S.A. Ostroumov in the main part of the list below include those that described some innovations in conceptualization of the fundamentals of ecology, – e.g., such as the notion of ecosystem [15]. Previously, in the book ‘Introduction to Biochemical Ecology’, the same author explored another fundamental issue of ecology and made a new classification of...
useful references: Ecology,
Conservation, Environment, Challenges, Solutions,  (= Охрана природы. Окружающая среда. Проблемы. Решения).

The concise results and shortlist of some well-cited publications on ecology and environment — in English, the full texts or abstracts available online free (updated 2010, Mar 20) The publications by S.A. Ostroumov in the main part of the list below include those that described some innovations in conceptualization of the fundamentals of ecology, – e.g., such as the notion of ecosystem [15]. Previously, in the book ‘Introduction to Biochemical Ecology’, the same author explored another fundamental issue of ecology and made a new classification of...
useful references: Ecology,
Conservation, Environment, Challenges, Solutions,  (= Охрана природы. Окружающая среда. Проблемы. Решения).

The concise results and shortlist of some well-cited publications on ecology and environment — in English, the full texts or abstracts available online free (updated 2010, Mar 20) The publications by S.A. Ostroumov in the main part of the list below include those that described some innovations in conceptualization of the fundamentals of ecology, – e.g., such as the notion of ecosystem [15]. Previously, in the book ‘Introduction to Biochemical Ecology’, the same author explored another fundamental issue of ecology and made a new classification of...

Innovations in environmental science. Review: 25  selected examples.
Almost all of these 25 articles are available online free at ResearchGate.
(25 инновацийвнаукахобокружающейсреде, updated October 19, 2012)


The goal of this review is to provide a short summary of a series of 25 innovative publications on environmental science and ecology. The papers were authored by scientists of Moscow State University and their co-authors. The review is not a comprehensive analysis of this broad area but a summary of some selected examples which are useful both in advancing further research and in modernization of...

Innovations in environmental science. Review: 25  selected examples.
Almost all of these 25 articles are available online free at ResearchGate.
(25 инновацийвнаукахобокружающейсреде, updated October 19, 2012)


The goal of this review is to provide a short summary of a series of 25 innovative publications on environmental science and ecology. The papers were authored by scientists of Moscow State University and their co-authors. The review is not a comprehensive analysis of this broad area but a summary of some selected examples which are useful both in advancing further research and in modernization of...

Innovations in environmental science. Review: 25  selected examples.
Almost all of these 25 articles are available online free at ResearchGate.
(25 инновацийвнаукахобокружающейсреде, updated October 19, 2012)


The goal of this review is to provide a short summary of a series of 25 innovative publications on environmental science and ecology. The papers were authored by scientists of Moscow State University and their co-authors. The review is not a comprehensive analysis of this broad area but a summary of some selected examples which are useful both in advancing further research and in modernization of...
ISBN 9788-5-317-03005-6. (S.A.Ostroumov. Chemico-Biotic Interactions and the new in the teaching on the biosphere by V.I.Vernadsky. Moscow, MAX Press. 2009. 52 p.). The book is in Russian with English abstract.
С.А.Остроумов. Химико-биотические взаимодействия и новое в учении о биосфере В.И.Вернадского. Москва, 2009, МАКС-пресс. 52 с. ISBN 9788-5-317-03005-6.
Аннотация. Материалы к лекциям и научным докладам на указанную в названии тему. Цель этой работы – суммировать и систематизировать публикации автора, имеющие отношение к теме...
Отличная подборка статей по финансовому анализу, формулы и расчеты с примерами. Читаем:
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