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They cited, mentioned innovative publications of MSU, Tags: citation, well-cited, environmental science, ecology,

мар 12, 2023 | 08:03
They  cited, mentioned innovative publications of MSU, Tags: citation, well-cited, environmental science, ecology, biology, biomembranes, ecotoxicology, aquatic;
relevant articles: More than 300  articles including highly cited publications cited, mentioned innovative publications of MSU (MSU scientist, Sergei Ostroumov). Tags: citation, well-cited, environmental science, ecology, biology, biomembranes, ecotoxicology, aquatic; 11.03.2023;
128-page list:
376 papers cited, mentioned “Sergei Ostroumov”. Academia.edu Analytics, 11.03.2023; 127 pages; 37K words;
This is the beginning of the list of 376 papers which made citations of MSU:
https://5bio5.blogspot.com/2023/03/more-than-300.html ;
A new definition and three categories for classifying ecosystems
·         jaime Gómez Márquez
The ecosystem is an essential biological concept that links the living and the inanimate. Its study has become pivotal to the analysis of global changes and environmental impacts caused by human activities and population growth. The simplest definition of ecosystem refers to a specific community of organisms that interact with each other and with their environment they inhabit. However, this definition says nothing about the open character of ecosystems, about the hierarchy among species and processes, or about their capacity to evolve as a whole throughout the history of life on this planet. Here, I first take a new look at the concept of ecosystem based on the elements that in my opinion characterize it, emphasizing the importance of viruses as components of biodiversity. Second, I propose three categories for the global categorization of ecosystems according to the degree of human intervention. Category 1 is any undisturbed natural ecosystem. Category 2 includes ecosystems altered by humans due to socioeconomic development and population growth, causing environmental degradation and biodiversity loss. Category 3 covers all ecosystems that have been altered by the introduction of synthetic or modified organisms generated in the laboratory, the consequences of which are much more difficult to predict. Knowledge of the global distribution of these categories would help to plan global environmental policies that would contribute to making our society compatible with the preservation of biodiversity.
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Potential methodological influences on the determination of particle retention efficiency by suspension feeders: Mytilus edulis and Ciona intestinalis
·         Peter Cranford
Coastal hypoxia responses to remediation
·         David Gilbert
Heavy Metals in Some Fish Species and Bivalves from the Mediterranean Coast of Egypt
·         Mamdouh Fahmy
Pathways linking biodiversity to human health: A conceptual framework
·         Aletta Bonn
Biodiversity is a cornerstone of human health and well-being. However, while evidence of the contributions of nature to human health is rapidly building, understanding of how biodiversity relates to human health remains limited in important respects. In particular, we need a better grasp on the range of pathways through which biodiversity can influence human health, including those that run through psychological and social processes as well as through biochemical and biophysical processes. Building on evidence from across the natural, social and health sciences, we present a conceptual framework organising the pathways linking biodiversity to human health. Four domains of pathways—both beneficial as well as harmful—link biodiversity with human health: (i) reducing harm (e.g. provision of medicines, decreasing exposure to air and noise pollution); (ii) restoring capacities (e.g. attention restoration and stress reduction); (iii) building capacities (e.g. promoting physical activity, ...
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A highly followed author
cited: Ostroumov, S., 2005. On some issues of maintaining water quality and self-purification. Water Resour. 32, 305-313. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11268-005-0039-7. Parsons, R., Tassinary, L.G....
The Brine Shrimp Artemia Survives in Diluted Water of Lake Bunyampaka, an Inland Saline Lake in Uganda
·         martin sserwadda
cited: Ostroumov, S. Basics of the molecular-ecological mechanism of water quality formation and water self-purification. Contemp. Probl. Ecol. 2008, 1, 147-152. [CrossRef] 
La zone hyporhéique, une composante à ne pas négliger dans l'état des lieux et la restauration des cours d'eau
·         pascal Breil
Impact of industrial and sewage effluents on Karachi coastal water and sediment quality
·         abdullah butt
·         Айдана Таутанова
Рак желудка во всем мире занимает 4 место по заболеваемости и 2 место по смертности [1], что предостовляеть сабой одно из немаловажных социальных проблем общества. РЖ это сложное заболевание, возникающее в результате взаимодействия факторов окружающей среды и хозяина, основными факторами, способствующими высокой смертности РЖ, включают его молчаливый характер течения, поздние клинические проявления и лежащую в основе биологическую и генетическую гетерогенность. Учитывая молчаливый и агрессивный характер РЖ, зачастую пациенты обращаются за медицинской помощью в запушенных стадиях. Современная наука, имея возможность изучат основу молекулярной- генетической особенностей онкологической патологии требует поиск и внедрения новых персонифицированных методик диагностики и мониторинга при лечениях онкологических заболеваний.
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… Биологические эффекты при воздействии поверхностно-активных веществ на...
Science–policy challenges for biodiversity, public health and urbanization: examples from Belgium
·         Hans Keune
cited: Ostroumov S A 2002 Polyfunctional role of biodiversity in processes leading to water purification: current conc...
Science–policy challenges for biodiversity, public health and urbanization: examples from Belgium
·         Hans Keune
cited:  Ostroumov S A 2002 Polyfunctional role of biodiversity in processes leading to water purification: current conc...
Chapter 3. Assessing progress towards meeting major international objectives related to nature and nature's contributions to people
·         David Tarkhnishvili
This document contains the draft Chapter 3 of the IPBES Global Assessment on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. Governments and all observers at IPBES-7 had access to these draft chapters eight weeks prior to IPBES-7. Governments accepted the Chapters at IPBES-7 based on the understanding that revisions made to the SPM during the Plenary, as a result of the dialogue between Governments and scientists, wouldbe reflected in the final Chapters.IPBES typically releases its Chapters publicly only in their final form, which implies a delay of several months post Plenary. However, in light of the high interest for the Chapters, IPBES is releasing the six Chapters early (31 May 2019) in a draft form. Authors of the reports are currently working to reflect all the changes made to the Summary for Policymakers during the Plenary to the Chapters, and to perform final copyediting.
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....  Ostroumov, S. A. (2005). Some aspects of water filtering activity of filter-feeders. Hydrobiologia, 542(1), 275–...
Noise Generated by Air Traffic
·         Mirjana Puharić
Rast u vazduhoplovnom sektoru od 1950-ih donio je velike koristi, ali je zabrinutost zbog povezanih uticaja na životnu sredinu sve veća. Buka generisana vazdušnim saobraćajem je postala jedan od osnovnih ekoloških problema i jedan od ograničavajućih faktora razvoja aerodroma. Upravo iz ovog razloga, ICAO je definisala "Uravnotežen pristup" upravljanju bukom u okolini aerodroma, koji obuhvata smanjenje buke na izvoru, planiranje i upravljanje korišćenjem zemljišta, operativne procedure za smanjenje buke i operativne restrikcije. Ovaj pristup preporučuje da se uvedu mere za smanjenje buke koje treba da teže kombinaciji različitih rešenja, što će aerodromima omogućiti zadovoljenje sve oštrijih međunarodnih propisa i njihov dalji razvoj. Razvoj novih tehnologija letelica i njeno uključivanje u napredne dizajne koji su čistiji i tiši, jedan je od ključnih načina za ublažavanje uticaja iz vazduhoplovstva na životnu sredinu.Growth in the aviation sector since the 1950s has brough...
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...Stanojković, Ana Čučulović, Marko Sabovljević, Milorad Vujičić, Rodoljub Čučulović, Dragan Veselinović Procena radijacionog opterećenja mahovina sakupljenih 2018. godine u NP Đerdap ... 389 Xiang Cai, Sergei...;
Alternative food sources of native and non-native bivalves in a subtropical eutrophic lake
·         Soledad Marroni,
...Some aspects of water filtering activity of filter-feeders...;
Galdieria sulphuraria ACUF427 Freeze-Dried Biomass as Novel Biosorbent for Rare Earth Elements
·         Stefania Papa
Rare earth elements (REEs) are essential components of modern technologies and are often challenging to acquire from natural resources. The demand for REEs is so high that there is a clear need to develop efficient and environmentally-friendly recycling methods. In the present study, freeze-dried cells of the extremophile Galdieria sulphuraria were employed to recover yttrium, cerium, europium, and terbium from quaternary-metal aqueous solutions. The biosorption capacity of G. sulphuraria freeze-dried algal biomass was tested at different pHs, contact times, and biosorbent dosages. All rare earths were biosorbed in a more efficient way by the lowest dose of biosorbent, at pH 4.5, within 30 min; the highest removal rate of cerium was recorded at acidic pH (2.5) and after a longer contact time, i.e., 360 min. This study confirms the potential of freeze-dried cells of G. sulphuraria as innovative ecological biosorbents in technological applications for sustainable recycling of metals f...
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...Biosorption of copper by biomass of extremophilic algae...
Use of surfactants in biodegradation of hydrophobic compounds: A review
·         I. A. Topchiy
·         D. I. Stom
·         K. Yu. Donina
·         S. V. Alferov
·         I. A. Nechaeva
·         А. B. Kupchinsky
·         B. N. Ogarkov
·         Yu. Yu. Petrova
·         E. V. Antonova
Industrial development has led to immense emission and accumulation of hydrophobic organic compounds (HOC) in the environment. Primarily, they include petroleum hydrocarbons, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). The extensive use of hydrophobic pesticides in agriculture led to the contamination of soil, air and water. Many of the hydrophobic substances are dangerous for the biota due to their high toxicity and carcinogenic and mutagenic activity. In addition to their widespread use, the possible adverse effects are also determined by their resistance to decomposition, including the biological one, which defines their long-term persistence in soil, water and other media. The impact of HOC on ecosystems poses a potential threat not only to the environment but also to human health. Numerous studies were devoted to the remediation of soils polluted with HOC. The approaches to remediation can be conditionally divided into mechanical, chemical and bio-methods, with the former two being widely used in the past. Bioremediation methods proved more efficient and, as a rule, more cost-effective and environmentally friendly. In recent years, the good efficiency of solubilizing agents in bioremediation processes has been demonstrated. Various surfactants have become widely popular due to their ability to increase desorption, water solubility and microbial bioavailability of HOC. In this brief review, state-of-the-art literature data on the biodegradation of hydrophobic organic compounds using surfactants were considered.
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This mention was found in a paper hosted outside of Academia.edu

Phytotoxicity of a surfactant-containing product towards macrophytes. Russian Journal of General Chemistry. [aquatic toxicology, detergent, water higher plant]. Paper in English. https://www.academia.edu/27074231/ ;

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