
Научно-исследовательская работа по гранту от управления организации НИР РЭУ им. Г. В. Плеханова. Целью работы было определение целесообразности использования...
Development of additional functionality for reservoir simulation software: dynamic fracturing using quasi-source approach, volatile oil, dual porosity and dual permeability, critical gradient, aquifers, sector modeling, tracer tracking, pseudo-compositional GI-model. The functionality is being...
Collaboration with Invensys Operations Management. Reservoir simulation package has been combined with PipePhase surface facilities simulator. Developed solutions are being successfully used in TumenNIIgiprogaz (Gazprom).
The algorithm for optimal well pads placement and well trajectories optimization has been developed. The method has been successfully applied for Zapolyarnoe gas field (Gazprom), projected increase in gas production amounted to 4 billion m3.
Parallel version for distributed memory systems has been developed. Performance testing of the simulator developed has shown superior scalability and efficiency. Currently, the program is being successfully used for simulation of gigantic reservoir models with thousands of wells.
Development of the regularized algorithm for the inverse problem in the filtration theory (2006-2008) Mathematical modeling of filtration processes in cavernous-fractured medium (2009-2011)
Investigation the symmetries of fractures systems and relative phase permeabilities (2009) Simulation of methane production from coal seams (2010)
музыкальные группы как предмет научного исследования
Исследования в области биологического и искусственного интеллекта. Натральные числа. Таблица умножения. Тайна просхождения десятичной системы.
Кто придумал таблицу умножения? Говорят Пифагор.... Возможно и он. Но есть большие сомнения, что придумал он, и придумал ли человек? Последние исследования в...
This modal help in anlizer 3d objet like cube ,cubiadal ,diamand, builds etc .with the help of this modal we can able to ever anlizer all the edges of cube ,with 9 angles ,and ever able to know length ,breath ,heights .of object .