Devipriya GANESHAN » Публикация

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Опубликовано 2010-08-02 Опубликовано на SciPeople2011-03-04 05:52:41 ЖурналNumerical Functional Analysis and Optimization

Controllability of a Reaction-Diffusion System Describing Predator-Prey Model
K.Sakthivel, G.Devipriya, K.Balachandran, J.-H.Kim / Devipriya GANESHAN
Аннотация This article establishes the controllability to the trajectories of a reaction-diffusion-advection system describing predator–prey model by using distributed controls acting on a single equation with the no-flux boundary conditions. We first prove the exact null controllability of an associated linearized problem by establishing an observability estimate, derived from a global Carleman type inequality, for the adjoint system. The proof of the nonlinear problem relies on the suitable regularity of the control and Kakutani’s fixed point theorem.
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