Ruslan Avdeev » Публикация

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Опубликовано 2012-01-21 Опубликовано на SciPeople2012-11-21 15:13:35 ЖурналBusiness-all

Аннотация Mail.Ru (in Russian. Mail or mail) - Russia's largest free e-mail, providing an opportunity to introduce their e-mail and communication in the network. For a quick email notification and need to install a special program, available as a computer or a mobile device, and you can always be in touch! Mail is available through major Russian Internet portal in 1998. Within one month of online resource visited by about 33 million visitors ex (I), mainly from the former CIS countries. The main competitors are: Hotmail, Gmail and Portal and mail to an investment group owned by Mail.Ru Group in Russia, the main activity is the investment in the development of internet projects and startups.
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