Александр Зеленков » Публикация

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Опубликовано 2013-05-05 Опубликовано на SciPeople2013-05-05 20:24:37 ЖурналAbstracts of 6th International Colloquium Societas Celto-Slavica (28-30 June 2012) in association with the Philological Faculty, St. Petersburg State University. Saint-Petersburg.

Negotiator Regni Aeterni: Merchant in Hiberno-Latin Literature (7—9 cc.)
Аннотация The Saint Columbanus (543-613) – Irish monk-missionary, who strengthened the Christianity faith in Europe, particularly in France and Italy. When we started to analyze images of Columbanus homilies, we had problems with metaphor of merchant “negotiator”, because sources of it may be different traditions: latin and irish. Proceeding of it need to find level of influence this traditions on Columbanus vision of merchants.
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