Андрей Нехаев » Публикация

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Опубликовано 2013-05-18 Опубликовано на SciPeople2013-05-19 18:17:08

Что такое “ортодоксальная теория и история идей”? Дисциплинарная новелла в критико-иронических тонах
Нехаев А.В. / Андрей Нехаев
Аннотация This article contained critical of current condition of the discipline of theory and history of ideas. Orthodox research in the theory and history of ideas opposed to social studies of relations between rationality and sociality. In addition the necessity of changes in the research practices of this discipline is justify. The changes will help prevent two typical conceptual traps - epiphenomenalism and reductionism.

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