Юрий Дроботов » Публикация

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Опубликовано 2013-09-01 Опубликовано на SciPeople2013-09-15 04:26:09 ЖурналApplied Mechanics and Materials

About Determination of Stress Concentration in Bodies of a Complex Shape
G. A. Zhuravlev, Y. E. Drobotov / Юрий Дроботов
Аннотация The review of researches of stress concentration in elastic bodies with loaded ledges, which are carried out with separate analysis of each of the force factors, is provided. The known results of using of such an approach are shown for example, the effects of geometrical concentrators curvature are revealed, and on their base principally new nonpole gear systems are developed. The recommendations for significant refinement of the known method are given.

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