Александр Лемешко » Публикация

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Опубликовано 2013-09-10 Опубликовано на SciPeople2013-11-10 13:11:54 ЖурналMicrowave and Telecommunication Technology (CriMiCo), 2013 23rd International Crimean Conference

Flow-based model of fault-tolerant routing in MPLS-network
Lemeshko, O.V. ; Kozlova, H.V. ; Romanyuk, A.A. / Александр Лемешко
Lemeshko, O.V. ; Kozlova, H.V. ; Romanyuk, A.A. Flow-based model of fault-tolerant routing in MPLS-network // Microwave and Telecommunication Technology (CriMiCo), 2013 23rd International Crimean Conference. - PP. 509 - 510.
Аннотация A Design of flow-based model for MPLS Fast ReRoute is proposed in the paper. The model allows calculating two types of paths, i.e. primary and backup ones, for the same flow. Depending on the parameters of the model, different schemes of reservation such as link protection, node protection, or path protection, can be implemented. In the course of solving the problem of MPLS Fast Reroute the classical metric of primary and backup paths is minimized. The nonlinear restrictions, which are responsible for prevention of node, link or path intersection of primary and backup routes, are introduced in the structure of the model.
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