THE RUSSIAN ACADEMIC JOURNAL » Архив номеров » #1 том 27, 2014 » Публикация

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Страницы51 - 53 Опубликовано 2014-04-19 Опубликовано на SciPeople2014-04-19 16:22:11 ЖурналРоссийский Академический Журнал

Interaction of component elements of promotion and competitiveness of enterprise personnel
Mayster Lyudmila / Alexey Fedorov
Аннотация There is an analysis of the current national and international experience of researches of problems of evaluation the competitiveness of personnel. Summarizing its main features and elements of the assessment of stimulating and competitiveness of staff. Proposed approach by R. Fatkhutdinov as the basis of system of evaluation, promotion and competitiveness of staff with further adaptation and implementation of activities in the industry of mechanical engineering. Determined in accordance with this approach the elements of assessment of stimulating and improve the competitiveness of enterprise personnel to provide proposal for justification and agreement of each individual element of the system for their harmonious interaction and realization. The necessity of an independent special expertise regarding the evaluation of service personnel and their competitiveness in order to implement an objective, independent assessment of stimulation and competitiveness of personnel. For the purpose of developing and testing the system evaluation, promotion and competitiveness of personnel classification with the necessary distinguishing major groups of employees and determined the number of experts in evaluating groups of staff for technological processes. In order to assess the effectiveness of the proposed system, stimulation and competitiveness of personnel a focus on two main levels of stimulation of workers: the classification groups and technological processes. Definitely interaction incentives under competitive personnel classification features and technological processes of engineering. The ways of further improving the system of evaluation of stimulation and competitiveness of staff as component mechanism for management of potential companies and sustainable long-term effect of economic growth.
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