THE RUSSIAN ACADEMIC JOURNAL » Архив номеров » Volume 26, issue 4 » Публикация

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Опубликовано 2013-12-01 Опубликовано на SciPeople2015-07-01 11:45:50 ЖурналThe Russian Academic Journal

Features innovative software agriculturalareas of ukraine
Irina Tarasova Features innovative software agriculturalareas of ukraine // The Russian Academic Journal, Vol. 26, Issue 4, 2013, pp. 0-0
Аннотация This article describes the theoretical and practical aspects of innovative features to ensure the agrarian sector of Ukraine. It should be noted that
the formation and functioning of the national innovation system, as well as innovative software agrarian sector is a complex multidimensional
process, which is defined institutional structural features of a particular country. Innovation process in AIC is a constant, uninterrupted process
of transformation of individual technical, technological, organizational and economic ideas and scientific solutions to specific practical tasks in
order to move industries and agricultural enterprises to a new level of production. This process involves the authors, inventors, innovators and
producers, managers who are engaged in manufacturing and promotion of agricultural products on the internal and external markets. Topical
issue of developing a mechanism effective implementation of intellectual resources, the intellectual capital of the state in the production of material and spiritual wealth of the agrarian sector.
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