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Опубликовано 2014-12-26 Опубликовано на SciPeople2016-03-04 18:03:35 ЖурналUkrainian Food Journal

Thermophilic methane digestion of chicken manure
Anatoliy Salyuk, Sergiy Zhadan, Evgen Shapovalov / Сергей Жадан
Аннотация The aim of our study was to investigate methanogenesis of chicken manure in the thermophilic mode with the low moisture content of the substrate. The study included periodic methane digestion of chicken manure with moisture content from 82 to 94% at 50 °C. A decrease of substrate moisture content resulted in a decrease of the process efficiency. Biogas yield ranged from 121 to 382 ml / g VS, and the proportion of methane in the produced gas varied from 39.6% to 57%. Methane production started from the first day of the experiment. From the very beginning of the experiment increase in its concentration in biogas content was faster at a higher moisture level of the substrate. Concentration of methane in biogas was not constant and ranged from 50% to 80% for all values of moisture content of the substrate. The maximum rate of methanogenesis increased with an increase of moisture content of the substrate from 2.8 ml / (g VS · day) to 24.7 ml / (g VS · day). The obtained data prove that production of methane from chicken manure in the thermophilic mode is possible even at low moisture content of the substrate, despite the high content of ammonia nitrogen and ammonia.
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