Сергей Таланов » Публикация

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Опубликовано 2017-04-02 Опубликовано на SciPeople2017-08-09 08:48:57 ЖурналEuropean Journal Of Natural History

Gender stereotypes in the Helocal Labor Market
Talanov S.L., Koryakovtseva О.А. / Сергей Таланов
Talanov S.L., Koryakovtseva О.А. Gender stereotypes in the Helocal Labor Market// European Journal Of Natural History. 2017. - № 4
Аннотация The authors analyzed various types of gender stereotypes prevalent among the citizens of Yaroslavl. It is concluded that out of nine kinds of gender discrimination traditionally common for the Russian labor market, the following three types of gender discrimination are mostly proliferated in Yaroslavl: “salary inequality”, “lack of women in managing positions”, “obstacles in professional advancement”. It is proved that women's work in the mind of a large part of the population, regardless of its gender-specific, is estimated lower than men’s one. The gender imbalance is revealed: the major part of men are perceiving women’s low salary as a norm. A substantial part of women feels that their work should be assessed at least at the same level as men’s. In addition, it was found out that the involvement of women in household routine significantly impedes their professional advancement. Moreover, major part of women are even not going to build a career, if everything goes well in their families. For managing positions, women are lack of ambitions and perseverance in targets’ achievement.
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