Свелана Алпатова » Публикация

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Опубликовано 2015-04-04 Опубликовано на SciPeople2018-01-07 16:57:08 ЖурналОтечественная наука в эпоху изменений: постулаты прошлого и теории нового времени.Россия,Екатеринбург,2015

Декодирование разнообразия и основных параметров профессионального дискурса
Алпатова С.Д. / Свелана Алпатова
Алпатова С.Д.Декодирование разнообразия и основных параметров профессионального дискурса (антропологический аспект). В кн.:Отечественная наука в эпоху изменений: постулаты прошлого и теории нового времени" Россия, Екатеринбург,2015
Аннотация The paper outlines a new approach to the analyses of communicative interaction: semi -socio- knowledge discourse. Like semio-socio psychology (Dridze) it conceptualizes communication as the product of human activity realized within some social and cultural environment. But its paradigm must include an algorithm of interlocutors’ intentional and motivated behavior as well as semiotic character of structured discourse. Knowledge and culture as embodied in discourse are essential elements of communication. As Margaret Thatcher used to say: “Culture is a product of human desires, a shaper of them and a storehouse of the acquired knowledge of millions of minds”. Due to knowledge we are aware of subcultures (symbols of something different) and their positive or negative impact on the whole cultural context.

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