Павел Терещенко » Публикация

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Опубликовано 2020-01-10 Опубликовано на SciPeople2019-11-28 11:53:39 ЖурналProcesses and Phenomena on the Boundary Between Biogenic and Abiogenic Nature

Modeling: The New Prospects of Studying Biological Systems as Illustrated by the Human Stomach
Svetlana I. Mazukhina, Konstantin V. Chudnenko, Pavel S. Tereshchenko, Svetlana V. Drogobuzhskaya, Stanislav V. Ivanov / Павел Терещенко
Аннотация Thermodynamic modeling was undertaken of the interactions between gastric juice and the mineral water sampled from the Marcial water well and spring in the vicinity of the city of Apatity. The study results make it possible to determine the migration forms of elements in the natural water—gastric juice system in a low and high acidity environment and the deposition conditions of the mineral phases that can be transported from the stomach to other organs and tissues. The physicochemical parameters (Eh and pH) of the studied gastric juice model were examined under normal conditions as well as deficient and excessive HCl. Important factors affecting the change in the gastric juice parameters are temperature and the intake of different mineral water varieties containing different concentrations of the individual elements. It was shown that, in stomach disorders, the transition of iron from the solution to the solid phase occurs, which may explain the anemic condition. A successful treatment of this condition requires restoring the acid-base parameters of the system. The study results complement the existing knowledge and open up new prospects of applying thermodynamic modeling methods to biological systems. An attempt was made to apply the thermodynamic modeling method to study the processes occurring in the human stomach.

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