Сергей Никищенков » Публикация

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Опубликовано 2021-03-02 Опубликовано на SciPeople2021-03-06 21:43:16 ЖурналTransportation Research Procedia

Interpretation and analysis of parallelism of transport technologies using operator schemes
S. Nikishchenkov, , I. Andronchev, V. Khaytbaev / Сергей Никищенков
Transportation Research Procedia. Volume 54, 2021, Pages 253-262. doi.org/10.1016/j.trpro2021.02.071
Аннотация The paper considers an approach to the description and analysis of transport multi-operation technologies based on the use of operator schemes and allows studying their structural properties (changes, reconfigurations, parallelism). The relevance of the development and use of formalized graphical tools for describing and analyzing transport technological processes is shown. A set-theoretic operational-event model of technologies and processes is presented.
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