Валентина Саттарова » Публикация

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Опубликовано 2022-00-00 Опубликовано на SciPeople2024-01-19 08:09:02 ЖурналMarine Pollution Bulletin

Distribution and assessment of trace metals in modern bottom sediments in the southwestern Chukchi Sea
Sattarova V.V., Aksentov K.I., Ivanov M.V., Alatortsev A.V., Kim D.V., Obrezkova M.S. / Валентина Саттарова
2022. V. 180, Art. no. 113797
Аннотация Sediment samples from 53 stations of the southwestern Chukchi sea were investigated to the spatial distributions and assess the state of trace metals contamination using ecological indices. The mean concentrations (mg kg-1) in sediments were: Cr (70.5), Ni (41.0), Cu (16.5), Zn (82.7), As (15.90), Cd (0.27), Pb (15.96), Hg (32.0 μg kg-1). The spatial distribution pattern of trace metals was similar with maximum values in the northern of the Chukchi Sea in the outer shelf sediments, while the high values of Cd were noted at stations located in the southern part of the sea where a strong influence of the Pacific waters penetrating through the Bering Strait. The ecological indices indicated no signs of anthropogenic pollution in the study sediments of the Chukchi Sea. Received data are of value for detecting and tracking future chemical changes in the sediments of the Chukchi sea, particularly in light of environmental changes.
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