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Опубликовано 2006-08-24 Опубликовано на SciPeople2009-03-27 13:18:07 ЖурналSolid State Communications

Influence of excited Landau levels on a two-dimensional electron–hole system in a strong perpendicular magnetic field
S.A.Moskalenko, M.A.Liberman, P.I.Khadzhi, E.V.Dumanov, Ig.V.Podlesny, V.Botan / Евгений Думанов
Solid State Communications 140 (2006) 236–239
Аннотация The study of the quantum states of a two-dimensional electron–hole system in a strong perpendicular magnetic field is carried out with special attention to the influence of virtual quantum transitions of interacting particles between the Landau levels. These virtual quantum transitions from the lowest Landau levels to excited Landau levels with arbitrary quantum numbers n and m and their reversion to the lowest Landau levels in second order perturbation theory result in an indirect attraction between the particles. The influence of the indirect interaction on the magnetoexciton ground state, on the chemical potential of the Bose–Einstein condensed magnetoexcitons, and on the ground state energy of the metallic-type electron–hole liquid is investigated in the Hartree–Fock approximation. The coexistence of different phases is suggested.
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