Креминь Тарас » Публикация

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Опубликовано 2009-11-01 Опубликовано на SciPeople2009-11-01 09:17:17

Метафорика транзитной территории в современной украинской литературе
Тарас Креминь / Креминь Тарас
Аннотация In this article are analyzed the picture of integral artistic myth of modern authors Taras Fediuk and Dmytro Kremin, who present the different vision of the lyric hero’s future in the system of Ukrainian transit territory. T.Fediuk designs renewal once legendary empire Transnistria as a base state in the western-southern part of European continent, and D.Kremin does the original Wild Field from the Carpathians to Black Sea region which in his presentation becomes collective, such, allowing to line up new chronology of modern country. Metalogical descriptions of lyric poetry are used here, also basic concepts, explaining the dynamics of development of author myths. Here is presented the new variant of historiosophical myth of beginning of the third in the modern Ukrainian poetry.


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