Sergey Gavrov » Публикация

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Опубликовано 2010-03-17 Опубликовано на SciPeople2010-03-17 09:28:51 ЖурналThe historic change in the institutions of family and marriage

Sergey_ Gavrov_Historical_ evolution_ of_ the_ institutions_ of_ marriage_ and_ family
Sergey Gavrov. Сергей Назипович Гавров / Sergey Gavrov
Аннотация The work of Professor Sergey Gavrov devoted to issues macrosocial changes in the institution of marriage and family. These changes are particularly accelerated in the era of modernity - modernization has changed and continues to change the world around us is changing and our daily life, human relationships, including marriage and family. The author also discusses the issues of education, historically conditioned changing goals and methods of socialization and inculturation rights.


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