Виталий Воробьев » Публикация

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Опубликовано 2010-08-26 Опубликовано на SciPeople2010-07-27 16:33:22 ЖурналPhysical Review D

Charm mixing in a model-independent analysis of correlated D0-D0bar decays
Alex Bondar, Anton Poluektov, Vitaly Vorobiev / Виталий Воробьев
Аннотация We investigate the impact of charm mixing on the model-independent gamma measurement using Dalitz plot analysis of the three-body D decay from B+->DK+ process, and show that ignoring the mixing at all stages of the analysis is safe up to a sub-degree level of precision. We also find that in the coherent production of D0-D0* system in e+e- collisions, the effect of charm mixing is enhanced, and propose a model-independent method to measure charm mixing parameters in the time-integrated Dalitz analysis at charm factories.
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