Ольга Юрьевна Купова

кандидат химических наук    /    Россия, Уфа


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Реакция Принса. Развитие представлений о механизме реакции

Талипов Р.Ф., Вакулин И.В., Купова О.Ю
Реакция Принса является удобным методом получения кислородсодержащих гетероциклов. В прошлом веке особое внимание уделялось синтезу 1,3-диоксанов. Начало 21...

Theoretical investigation of the role of formaldehyde dimers in the Prins reaction

Kupova, O.Y., Vakulin, I.V., Talipov, R.F., Talipova G.R., Morozkin N.D.
Some features of adding formaldehyde dimer to alkenes by Prins reaction with oxygen-containing heterocycles formation are studied at the MP2(fc)/6-31G(d) computational level. The structure of the transition states, key intermediates are established and thermochemical reaction parameters are...
Vol. 110, pp. 41-52

Ab initio study of 1,3-dioxanes formation from formaldehyde dimer and alkenes

Kupova, O.Y., Vakulin, I.V., Talipov, R.F.
Some features of adding formaldehyde dimer to alkenes with formation of alkyl-substituted 1,3-dioxanes by the Prins reaction in the gas phase are studied at the MP2(fc)/6-31G(d,p) computational level. The structure of the transition states and key intermediates is revealed and thermochemical...
vol. 1013 , pp. 57-61
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