Тikhon Petrovich Podshivalov

PhD in Law /кандидат юридических наук/ , Associate professor    /    Россия, Челябинск


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Tikhon Podshivalov was born in Chelyabinsk, Russia. He graduated magna cum laude from Law faculty of the South Ural State University with a degree in jurisprudence. Since 2008th he is a lecturer of Civil Law and Process department. He holds such courses as «Russian Civil Law», «Private International Law», and «Theory of Property Rights». In 2011th he defended his thesis on the topic of "Negatory action" in the Dissertation Council of the Saratov State Academy of Law, specialty 12.00.03. The basic idea of the dissertation research was to justify the fact that negatory action is not a universal way to protect property rights. This view is advocated in opposition to the dominant science of civil law approach that negatory action is a means of protection against any violations of property rights. Since 2012 he has been a member of the Russian Association of International Law. In 2014 the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation awarded him the rank of associate professor in the specialty "Civil law; Business law; Family law; Private international law". Research interests - the problems of property rights protection, objects of civil rights and immovable property, the implementation of the principle of good faith (pre-contractual liability, the prohibition of circumvention of the law, estoppel, the doctrine of lifting the corporate veil, the abuse of civil rights), private international law. The main focus of the research is to elaborate a system of real action under the conditions of reforming the civil legislation of the Russian Federation and the changes in judicial practice, including with respect to immovable property. He is an author of over 100 scientific and practical publications on topical issues of civil rights, foreign trade activities and private international law. At that, T. Podshivalov’s articles are published in the federal legal publications such as: "The State and the Law", "The Russian Justice", "The Proceedings of the Universities. The Science of Law", "the Economy and Law", "The Law", "The World of Law", "The Russian judge", "The Legislation", "The Arbitration practice", "The International Law and International Organizations", "The international public and private law", etc. Scientific publications of T. Podshivalov are in demand by the scientific community, and actively quoted in recent publications. At the moment, Hirsch index is equal to the value of "10". In 2011 he became the winner of the All-Russian competition for the best scientific book in the "Jurisprudence" for the monograph "The Real actions in civil law" (Chelyabinsk, 2010). In 2012 he won the All-Russian contest "The best scientific book in the humanitarian field". In 2013 he was awarded a diploma for the II place of All-Russian competition for the best scientific book in the field of law in the category "Civil law science" for the book "The Real Actions: Theory and Practice" (Moscow, 2012). This book was reprinted by publisher for two years in a row, in 2013 and 2014. T. Podshivalov implements his scientific research results into the practice. He took part in the preparation of the final reference of the Arbitration Court of the Chelyabinsk region summaries of judicial practice on the claim for invalidation of title (2013) and on the practice in the application of the rules prohibiting circumvention of the law (2014). In 2014 he prepared the conclusion for Scientific Advisory Board of the Arbitration Court of Chelyabinsk Region on the topic of "Abuse of process of the court". Since 2013 he is an expert of Attestation Commission of the Federal Tax Service of Russia's Chelyabinsk region and the independent expert of the competition committee of the Federal Tax Service of Russia's Chelyabinsk region. The effectiveness of his scientific activity was awarded with diplomas and letters of thanks of the Legislative Assembly of Chelyabinsk region, the Main Department of Youth Policy of the Chelyabinsk region, the Office of Youth Affairs Administration of the city of Chelyabinsk, Russian and International NGOs. In 2013 he was awarded the diploma of the Association of Russian Lawyers for excellence in the field of law, improving legal awareness in the society, promoting the idea of law and the legal profession.

Сфера научных интересов


Вещные иски: проблемы теории и практики

Новоселова А.А., Подшивалов Т.П.
Монография посвящена исследованию вещно-правовых способов защиты права собственности и иных вещных прав. В книге проведен всесторонний анализ вещных исков;...


Профессиональный опыт

Премии и награды

Диплом участника основного тура VI Всероссийского профессионального конкурса «Правовая Россия» (2011)
Стипендиат Законодательного Собрания Челябинской области (2011)
Лауреат Всероссийского конкурса на лучшую научную книгу 2010 года в номинации «Юриспруденция» (2011)
Диплом участника основного тура V Всероссийского профессионального конкурса «Правовая Россия» (2010)
Диплом участника основного тура IV Всероссийского профессионального конкурса «Правовая Россия» (2009)
Диплом участника основного тура III Всероссийского профессионального конкурса «Правовая Россия» (2008)

Участвует в группах