О проекте

Electronic scientific multidisciplinary Journal “Bulletin of Science and Practice” is an open access journal. All materials published on the conditions on the license Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) Open access implies that the authors provide the results of their research (in the form of a full–text version of a scientific article) for wide distribution free of charge through any media. The basic mission of the Journal: the publication articles of high–quality and scientific values. The Journal task is not only to selection and research coverage in the pages of our Journal, but also the distribution of all published materials for a wide range of readers. For this we include the Journal in Russian and foreign libraries and databases. Also, the editorial staff and the Publishers is making every effort to improve the quality of publications and technical materials handling Journal. “Bulletin of Science and Practice” published articles of high quality, reflecting modern scientific research. The basis of the policy of the journal is the principle of openness of publication for authors and readers. All the texts of works and authors are the primary test in АНТИПЛАГИАТ (anti–plagiarism) system. Peer review is carried out according to the rules described оn the page «РЕЦЕНЗИРОВАНИЕ» (peer review).

P Научный журнал "Бюллетень науки и практики"

Журнал «Бюллетень науки и практики» включен в Всероссийский институт научной и технической информации (ВИНИТИ РАН), научную электронную библиотеку eLIBRARY.RU (РИНЦ), электронно–библиотечную систему IPRbooks, электронно–библиотечную систему «Лань», ACADEMIA, Google Scholar, ZENODO, AcademicKeys (межуниверситетская библиотечная система), библиотеки США, Канады, Германии и др., индексируется в международных базах: ResearchBib (Academic Resource Index), Index Copernicus Search Articles, The...