О проекте

Impaired glucose homeostasis plays a role of importance in aged individuals, its manifestations varying from light, often unrecognized hyperglycemia, up to one of most frequent causes of hospital admission and even as a mortality predictive value after stroke or acute cardiac ischemia. Not only higher glycemic values, but even more dangerous hypoglycemic episodes can disturb the frail equilibrium of older patients. The type of curve obtained varies with age . Both average fasting levels and average minutes to which the blood sugar raises , increase with age . In old people the maximum blood sugar reached may some times exceed 180 mg/100ml .Himsworth (1939) produced to suggest that sensitivity to insulin is reduced when a person takes low carbohydrate diet and tends to fall with increasing age. CONCLUSION Based on the above following conclusions are drawn 1. Glucose tolerance is reduced with age. 2. In old age people sensitivity to insulin is reduced. 3. In old people (above 60 years) the post prandial blood Glucose levels raises renal threshold but no glycosuria occurs.


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