Валерий Корепанов Valeriy K. Korepanov » Публикация

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Опубликовано 2012-02-28 Опубликовано на SciPeople2011-11-27 15:15:22 ЖурналBLC

“Business Laboratory Creation” (BLC)
Аннотация The project "BUSINESS LABORATORY CREATION” (BLC) is aimed on the working out a set of conditions favourable for a development of start-ups and joint ventures, as well as the entrepreneurial skills and business activity of students. First stage of the project is a set of events taking place in January-February 2012 dedicated to the organisation of multi-lingual public lectures in Business and Economics for forming a profile of international representative in entrepreneurship. After that, second stage is envisaged while promoting a course of workshops which is to follow in March-May 2012. Third stage, September-December 2012, is commited with a realisation of the most prospective student projects being assessed from the viewpoint of originality and commercial/investment value.
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