Игорь Паршиков » Публикация

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Опубликовано 2016-07-10 Опубликовано на SciPeople2016-07-12 20:18:55 ЖурналPrimedia E-launch LLC Dallas

Microbial Transformation of Nitrogen Containing Heterocycles
Igor A. Parshikov / Игорь Паршиков
Dallas: Primedia E-launch LLC, 2016. − 130 p. (ISBN 978-1-68419-830-6)
Аннотация The monography describes microbial technologies for obtaining of derivatives from a series of nitrogen heterocycles (saturated nitrogen heterocycles, azaarenes and quinolones). It is proposed alternative ways for synthesize substances that are difficult to obtain by the methods of organic chemistry. Microbial technologies of synthesis of organic compounds may find out a practical application in the production of various drugs.
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